Talk and Discussion with Jascha Rohr
21.08.2009, 20:30 – 22 p.m., Ökodorf SiebenLinden

If we seek to create positive change in this world, design thinking and collaborative action will give us the means for that.
However, there are different approaches to design: We either design in standardized procedures who force predetermined goals or we design in participatory processes which are alive. These processes are experienced as enriching by those involved and the results contribute to the unfolding of living structures and positive change. They create emergence, contextual awareness, innovation and collective intelligence.
In this talk Jascha Rohr will explain the open framework of participatory design, the work with interlinked personal, local and global processes and how – out of this – collective intelligence can emerge.
Jascha Rohr is co-founder of the Institute for Participatory Design, founder of the Permaculture Academy in Germany and member of the supervisory board of self eG (HUB Berlin). He works as a concept developer, mediator, consultant and facilitator for participative design processes and complements his work with trainings and publications in these fields.

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