Schlagwort: change
Interview for the Berlin Change Days
Recently I was interviewed by the Berlin Change Days team. Please visit their Webpage and register for a unique program of workshops and talks! BCD: Tell me, who is Jascha Rohr, who is the person that we are going to meet in November 2010? JR:I am situated in Oldenburg, in Northern Germany, and I live…
Crises: passageway to transformation
Vortrag Datum: 07.11.2010 09:00–10:30 Ort: Berlin Veranstalter: Berlin Change Days Speaker: Jascha Rohr, IPG In this talk I will explore crises on different levels (personal crises, team crises, organizational crises, systemic crises). The questions will be raised why crises are important for actual change and how to work with crises to bring real transformation. Crises…
New organizations and leadership through Participatory Design
The idea that change is a transitional phase between two stable states is ridiculed by everyday experiences in our globalized world. Constant change is the actual state of our living world. We should seek to comprehend, incorporate and develop that which makes life worth living through change, not against it. One way of doing this…